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Birgit Weise

Hypnosis, psychotherapy and holistic coaching with passion ...

There are moments in life, however, when we may require help and support to rediscover, release or further develop our resources and energy. Events in the past or stress, particularly prolonged stress can block this access to our own resources and energy.


My goal is to assist you as gently as possible and as intensively as necessary to revitalise the forces within you with a view to foster healing, relief or other problem solving aimed at. This does require, however, a serious wish and commitment on your side to accept outside help and a willingness to embrace change.


My competence in cause-oriented hypnosis and other energetic methods are at your service. In addition, I work with humanistic procedures as part of psychotherapy that equally contribute to the development of a healthy,  self-actualising and creative person. 

„What you seek, is seeking you“
 (Maulana Rumi) 

How I came to holistic psychology ...

Many, if not most, people do not have a single career aspiration. That was also my case when I left school. Should I study law, to promote “international understanding” or should I choose psychology, to facilitate “people understanding”, respectively to support a person to better understand himself? I finally opted for law and I enjoyed the many years I devoted to European integration. Nevertheless, my original passion and vocation to work with people and psychology never left me. It grew even stronger …


I was always fascinated to meet people with different cultural backgrounds – what motivates them, the different life plans they choose, their self image, how they handle stress, their approach to self-care. Unfortunately, for many of them self-care has never really been an issue until today despite some societal change towards a better work-life balance. For many, however, this is being understood solely as devoting more time to family and children – important as well - but not for „the self“.


All too often, I continue to encounter (too) many people suffering with burn-out syndrome, psychosomatic illnesses or other serious illnesses such as cancer. Frequently, this is not at all sensed (or only too late….) as a wake-up call by those affected.


I too had to go first through a serious illness and various personal challenges before I realized that our healthy well-being, including healthy reactions to the adversities of life, requires a sufficient degree of self-care. This is a task we have to embark upon ourselves. No one else can do that for us. And, more importantly, this has nothing to do with egoism.


I increasingly became aware of the impact we ourselves have on the state of our health -  on our body, mind and soul, how fast we age and how healthy we remain during the aging process.


Much depends on how we are in contact with ourselves; whether we regularly engage in balancing stress phases with phases of regeneration; whether we invest in harmonising our flow of energies, through meditation, yoga or other techniques; the diet we follow; whether we push problems or blockages away or engage in solving them, in a mindful and compassionate way ...


All these are important features, for our mind and soul, but equally for our physical well-being, the state of our cells, even our “gene expression”, which is not static as we always thought. Body, mind and soul form a unity but at the same time they are impacted by our inner world and by social factors surrounding us. Everything is connected. And even more importantly: Everything can be changed, if only we are ready for it.


To accept change with self-confidence, and eventually even to seek it, was the basis for my path into the psychological healing profession. This  choice has rewarded me with a deep well-being that I had not experienced before. Where appropriate and desired, I share these experiences in my work with my clients.


After my holistic training in Germany as a non-medical practitioner for psychotherapy, I returned to Brussels to fulfill my vocation where I now opened my own private practice.


With hypnosis and other energising as well as humanistic processes, I enjoy an extensive and professional toolkit that has already proved its benefits. I seek to apply it according to the individual needs of my clients. I am grateful to herewith contribute to improving the quality of life and well-being of my clients in many different ways.


Heilberufliches Profil

Training as a non-medical practitioner for psychotherapy
(Heilpraktikerin für Psychotherapie) 2015 – 2018
Successful completion of examination in January 2018 at the public Health Department in Köln / Germany
Professional qualifications and further therapeutic education:
  • Training as a systemic coach (Paracelsus Schule Aachen 2015/16 with Eva Werner)

  • Basic training in hypnotherapy (Paracelsus Schule Aachen 2016 with Hendrik Lell)

  • Training in mindfulness in psychotherapy with Prof Marsha Linehan & Dr. Martin Bonus, AWP Freiburg 2018

  • Training in Systemic Couple and Sexual Therapy I (Basic Course) and IV (Extramarital affairs) with Prof Ulrich Clement, IGST Heidelberg 2018

  • Training in cognitive therapy based on Albert Ellis’ REBT (Original Primary Certificate of the Albert Ellis Institute New York / Würzburg) 2018

  • Training in hypnotherapy (OMNI Köln 2018 and Bad Honnef 2019 with Sandra Blabl)

  • Introduction to Vipassana (Principles of Life, Discipline, Physical Exercise, Breathing, Meditation, Chakras and Healing) (Lefkada, Greece 2018 and Kerala, India 2019 with ZEN Master and Therapist Vidhi Chhariya, Awaken Inner Buddha, India)

  • Training in couple and sexual therapy (IEK Berlin 2018)

  • Training in relaxation through self hypnosis (IEK Berlin 2018)

  • Verband Freier Psychotherapeuten, Heilpraktiker für Psychotherapie und Psychologischer Berater e.V. (VFP) 

  • Schweizer Berufsverband für Hypnosetherapeuten (SBVH) 

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